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Shrink Tube and Cartridge Specifications

Shrink Rate - Shrink ratio approximately 3:1 (50% or more in diameter, 15% or less in length)
Operating Temperature Range - 90-270 C
Compliance - UL Standard 224, Rated temperature: 125C, Rated voltage 300V, Flame resistance grade VW-1, and meets mil-1-23053/5 class 1 and 3, mil-IR 46846 type V ratings
Durability - Tubing is flame, temperature, chemical, water, and abrasion resistant
1/8" 3MM Shrink Tube Material -  Maximum inside diameter 3/16" (5mm), Flat size 5/16" (8mm), Wire gauge sizes AWG 16-22
3/16"-1/4" 5MM Shrink Tube Material - Maximum inside diameter 1/4" ( 6.2mm ) Flat size 3/8" (10mm), Wire gauge sizes AWG 10-16, Cat 5-4 pair
1/2" 11MM Shrink Tube Material - Maximum inside diameter 1/2" ( 12mm ), Flat size 11/16" (18mm ), Wire gauge sizes AWG 1-12. R659 Coaxial cable
Cartridge Length - 96" ( 2.5mm ) for shrink tube material

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